Delivery Policy

Delivery Policy

We at Xpro Packaging delivery policy ensures our commitment to deliver your order with good quality packaging within the earliest time frame. We deliver within 24hrs of the purchase. To ensure that your order reaches you in good condition and in the shortest span of time we use our delivery vans and pickups. Also through reputed courier agencies only around Kenya. Xpro Packaging is not liable for any delay in delivery by the courier company. Therefore only guarantees to hand over the consignment to the courier company within 24hrs from the date of the order and payment. Or as per the delivery date agreed at the time of order confirmation. Delivery of all orders will be to the registered address of the buyer as per the payment details. Xpro Packaging is in no way responsible for any damage to the order while in transit to the buyer unless if the delivery is by our own services.

Do you deliver?

This depends on the size of your purchase and your whereabouts. For small transactions, we do not deliver. For larger transactions, we deliver within and around Nairobi free of charge as per this delivery policy.

When can I expect my delivery?

Once your order is received and verified, and your payment is received, your goods will be on the next delivery schedule.

How are items delivered?

All items are delivered directly to your door, for larger items we will deliver the item to wherever you want it placed in your home or premises.

Will you deliver to businesses?

Yes, Xpro Packaging will certainly deliver to business addresses. However, our products are for use only as described and we are not responsible for any loss a business may encounter having used them. Check out the terms and conditions on the warranty sheet.

My delivery is late?

We try our very best to inform our customers of any potential delay as soon as possible Unfortunately, delays can happen which are often beyond our control as per this delivery policy.

Who can sign for the delivery?

If required, anyone in the household or premises over the age of 18 may sign for deliveries from Xpro Packaging . We will also enquire from you the contact person in your household or premises in case you are not in at the point of purchase.